Become a Daring Learner.
Start today, with only €1
The offer stands until May 7, 2023

Hey Daring Learners,

I would like to invite you to the RENEWED community of practice - THE place where you can practice native-like fluency together with me and other learners.

What's new about it?

  • I have simplified the membership tiers. Now there are only two: with and without individual feedback

  • We will be meeting weekly for a Sunday Practice Session. LIVE coaching and feedback every week

  • The Community is Private. Doors open on the 5th of every month to those who sent their applications.

Today is May 5, which means we're welcoming new members today!

I'd like to simplify the process and give YOU (only the people who read my newsletter) an exclusive opportunity to bypass the application process and get the taste of real, unedited, and insightful practice in our community.

Use the link below to start your 7-day trial period for only €1.

If you join now, you can join the Sunday Practice for Daring Learners.

When: May 7, 2023 || 11 a.m. MSK (UTC+3)
Where: Zoom (the link is in the community)

The offer stands until May 7, 2023, 23:55 UTC+3
You can cancel any time

I look forward to seeing you there!
Start my trial period for 100 RUB
Start my trial period for 1 EUR
Watch my new video on YouTube
Do you want the same two things?
Learn more about the community membership
© Copyright 2023 Natalia Tokar
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