CLARITY is when you see the reality of things, not the potential of things

Hey Daring Learners,

The day after I sent my previous email about leading people in English, I received an email from someone who said that she feels like she's able to express only "a simplified version of herself in English".

On July 22, she shared:

"I cannot express myself effectively when I communicate with other participants. I cannot express my thoughts in English in the same beautiful manner as in Russian or in my native language. My sentences seem to me so banal and sound so simple.
If I can not express myself and my thoughts - is it real me? Do I express Myself or Somebody Else? Simplified version of me?"

I wanted to share her email because I believe many of you can relate to her feelings.

The reasons I talk about CLARITY so much is that it's KEY to having your power back
If your reality today is that you can express only "a simplified version of yourself" in English, you need to deal with the reality and stop fantasizing about your potential.

You need to focus on what you do today and prepare yourself for what you will need to do when the time comes.

People give too much of their power away to "experts" because they remind them of their potential and distract them from the daily grind of hard work.

For example, the "experts" say, "Start with WHY."

But the truth is that many people understand the WHY for improving their English - they want to advance their career and make more money. However, they don't have a clear WHAT.

They do random exercises, take occasional online courses, and follow advice from famous YouTubers....again and again, seeing little to no improvement. They trust the online "experts" but lack trust in themselves.

Leading people means leading by example, and not following "experts."

To lead by example, you need to change your reality and show your authentic self to the English-speaking world rather than present "a simplified version of yourself."

To achieve this, you need clarity about where you are and what skills needs to be improved.

People rarely have that clarity.

They are so in love with the potential of being promoted and leading a global team, that they refuse to see the reality of their situation.

Here is a story of Jane.

Jane wants a promotion because she feels she deserves it. Her English skills are not enough to lead team meetings and do product webinars for clients, but she doesn't do anything about it because the promotion interview is scheduled for the end of the year. She thinks she has time. She has a plan: she'll hire a coach two weeks before the interview, and the coach will help her nail that interview! She puts all her faith in the coach, having no faith in herself.

When December comes, she realizes she can't afford the coach that she wants. She hires another one only to find out that she is not ready to answer spontaneous interview questions in English, and there is no way she can learn that skill in just two weeks.

Jane lost her money and her promotion.

She waited until December refusing to see that learning a skill takes longer than 2 weeks.

People might be clear about the potential of what they can the future. But don't see what they need to be doing today, tomorrow, and next week to get to where they want to be.

If your goal is to get a job as a C-Level executive in a global company, but you struggle to sell your ideas in English, give feedback, or conduct meetings with TOP clients in English, you might also be in love with your potential but lack a clear understanding of your reality.

Your reality is that today you express only "a simplified version of yourself" in English, which used to be my reality too.

Your reality is that you need to learn to tell good stories, build clear sentences, and improve your English pronunciation. You need to grasp that it takes time, work, and dedication.

To lead by example, you need to become an example.

Transform your daily practice and and focus on WHAT you do and how you can do it better.

You can achieve this because many others have done it before you. Listen to these people who have learned to lead with clarity in English.

Listen to people's insights after gaining clarity on where they used to be and where they are now.

These people took the
Native-Like Fluency program
Listen to people's results

I can help you with WHAT.

  • Join the upcoming cohort of the Native-Like Fluency Program and I will show you exactly what to do every day for the next 6 months. It's intense, and it's effective.

  • Join the community of practice and find specific exercises to practice every skill that requires improvement, and learn with caring, human feedback from myself and other members. It's not a course, it's a place where you can find your WHAT for every day of the week.
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Native-Like Fluency program

August 6, 2023 - January 6, 2024
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Doors open on August 5, 2023.

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The entire Job Interview Practice Routine
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