How to learn a non-trivial skill:

  1. Read about it.
  2. Try it with 40% off
  3. Earn points
  4. Exchange points for private coaching minutes

Hey Daring Learners,

When I coach a native-like fluency group, I'm fully focused on my group. So, forgive me my absence.

Even though I haven't sent you many emails lately, I've done a lot that is worth sharing with you.

Imagine an immigrant who wants to improve their English skills but everyone around them says: "Don't worry! Your English is great. I can understand you perfectly. Don't worry about your accent. I love accents!"

They hear it all day long, knowing that it's not true...

It this was true, they wouldn't struggle the way they do around new and important people. If this was true, they wouldn't have so many awkward moments at work. If this was true, they would easily share funny stories from college with native speakers. If this was true, they would already have that promotion.

Let's be honest. There are some important things that you don't want to look at.

Read my new article with real-life examples to learn what people might be doing wrong and how to approach learning a non-trivial skill to create sustainable results.

I'm about the introduce a new reward system in the community, and you can be the first one to try it!

The more you practice, the less you pay.

Practice is hard for most people NOT because the exercises are hard, but because people can't prioritize the exercises they should be doing today. They always doubt their choices.

  • Is this better for me?

  • Or maybe this?

  • Should I work on all 4 vowels today? Or pick only one?

  • Should I choose a long video? 1-minute must be not enough....

  • What movie is good for my listening skills?

You get the point....Too many decisions to make.

I made it simple for you.

Get my Resource Library and you will never have to search the internet or waste your time on Youtube looking for a good video to practice your English. Never again!

Open any lesson, and you will be looking at a perfect lesson to develop native-like fluency in English.

I curate the content for you, which means EVERY LESSON is hand picked by me for a reason.

The lessons in the library will help you develop your listening, reading, and spontaneous speaking skills in English.

All you need is ONE lesson a DAY.

I'm offering a generous 40% off the Library so you can:

  1. Try it and see how easy it can be when you don't have to look for good content yourself. This will save hours of your time and precious decision making resources.
  2. Get caring, human feedback. Nothing helps you learn better than other people who have compassion, good listening skills, and mastery of the skill.
  3. Earn points. Every completed exercise will get you points.
  4. Exchange points for personal coaching minutes. We all need individual attention to learn better and faster. We don't always need an hour. But we all need more support and more clarity. My biggest strength is the quality of my presence and feedback in 1:1 sessions. I will do what I do best to help you get results.

So, to access my Resource Library, you need to:

  • Be a community member
  • Pay the full price
  • Go through the application process

None of this applies if you act now. The offer stands until July 24, 2024.

You will also get 3 BONUS months in the community, i.e. you're saving $207, in addition to getting 40% an amazing product, which is a fully curated library with lessons, clear instructions, and human feedback.

If you're not a member of the community, click on "non-members" and get the deal:

Pay in RUB

Pay in USD

If you're a member, you will also get 3 BONUS months and participate in the new experimental reward system.

I am committed to helping you learn better.

Take a step forward, and I'll meet you there with a map to your most rewarding results.

Don't wait for me. I'll be moving only forward. I will not go back to save you or convince you. You have to use your free will to step forward. And then...everything will change.

See you on the other side
Learn more and get the deal!
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