Tips to apply to an American company if you're a foreign candidate

UPD: The workshop took place on May 21, 2024

You can get the replay + have your resume done by a professional.

Hey Daring Learners,

If you want to advance your career in an American company, be it headquartered in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world, join this workshop to learn how to sell yourself on a resume and in a job interview.

Community members get 50% off the replay. If you're a member, DM me directly to get your discount.

If you're not a member, the standard prices apply.

Learn More and Get The Workshop
"What is your superpower?"

This question can also come in the form of the questions below:

"What's your strength?"
"What value do you bring to your clients?"
"What value can you add to the organization?"

Listen to how Darlene helps a student find the answer to this question in less than 5 minutes!

Open the page and scroll down to listen to the audio.

Everyone who attends the workshop will get access to the replay, as well as a special deal to personally work with Darlene and rewrite/update their resume.

If you can't attend tomorrow, get the ticket now, watch the replay and use the special offer that will stand until the end of May.

The replay of the workshop will be sold at a higher price, and the special conditions will be the privilege of my community members only.

It's going be to AMAZING!

Practical, down-to-earth advice from an American Head of HR who interviews people and scans their resumes on a daily basis.

Learn from the best.
Let me show you how!

I'll see you there!
Get your tickets
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