Sentence stress is a pattern of stressed and unstressed words across a sentence. The emphasis is on words that carry important information:
- nouns - verbs - adjectives - negatives - numbers
A word is stressed correctly, when the stressed syllable of that word is longer, louder, and higher in pitch.
I’m showing you the software that can help you check if you’re stressing words enough.
“Enough” means that you’re creating a clear contrast between stressed and unstressed words.
You need to know how to measure your results and what measurement system can even apply to improving your fluency.
If there are no long and short vowels in your first language, or if all syllables are stressed exactly the same in your first language (Spanish, Portuguese, etc..), it’s probably difficult for you to hear if the word/syllable is long enough.
Join the Sunday Practice to PRACTICE the rhythm of English as opposed to reading about it ????
I'll show you how to use the right software to measure your results and track your performance.
With immediate feedback, you will also learn, the pronunciation of which vowels needs your attention.
You will see your stubborn mistakes/patterns, and I will show you the most effective exercises to fix/change them. |