Your FREE account on my website.

You don't need to pay for YOUR decision to start practicing

Hey Daring Learners,

You have probably noticed that I stopped selling online courses. They do not work for obvious reasons.

If you have ever taken an online course, you know exactly what I'm talking about Online courses are not effective not only because people don't feel motivated enough to complete them, and not because people are not as engaged as the course creators would want them to be...

The real problem is that online courses sell knowledge instead of a system of skill development. After completing a course, you have the knowledge, but you rarely have the skill.
Knowledge is information ABOUT the skill. It's not the skill.

Knowledge is a description of reality, not reality itself.
Information is everywhere these days. It's free, and it should be free.

The real asset is the ability to filter out useless or harmful information, to make sense of information, and to apply information to skill development.

When people take an online course, they take in information, beautifully edited by online experts. Information does not translate to SKILLS without conscious action for an extensive period of time, i.e. a focused practice routine.

No online course creator is interested in helping you implement the knowledge on a daily basis. It would take too much of their time, and make their course not profitable.

That's why you hear this message often: "I gave you the information. I packaged what I had learned in 20 years in just 2 hours for you. Now, it's your responsibility to apply it. If you can't make use it, you're dumm and ungrateful!"

And you genuinely start believing that it's YOUR fault. But it's not.
People are not stupid.

They know what to do.

They need help when they set out to do it.

They also need help when they struggle sticking with what they need to do every day, because changing what you do every day is harder than it seems.

Changing your wardrobe is easy. You spend a lot of money once, and you feel better. Hopefully, you look better in your new clothes too.

But changing what you eat for breakfast EVERY DAY or changing what you do after breakfast every day is damn hard. Choosing to commit to finding room for conscious practice EVERY DAY is extremely difficult, because you need to reorganize your entire day and all your brain cells too.

This is where people need help.

Online courses are useless here. They will steal your time rather than help you make the time for your daily practice.

If you want qualified human help in an online course today, it's super expensive. Unqualified human help (such as from course creators assistants or lower level professionals) is cheaper, but ineffective.

But human feedback is essential for skill development.
That's why all the exercises I create come with human feedback.

Instead of building more online courses that will not help you speak, write, and listen in English better, I create exercises that will help you successfully deal with real-world challenges, such as writing better emails, communicating with impact at work, sounding more clear in English, selling your candidacy at a job interview, etc.

I focus on SKILL DEVELOPMENT, which is impossible without practice and high quality human feedback.
However, people need information
before they choose to practice a skill
I prepared a collection of Self-Study Resources to help people learn more about the methodology for achieving Native-Like Fluency and let them try some of the most effective exercises right away.

The collection is FREE and always will be.

You get instant access if you create an account on my website. Your free account implies access to all the future updates too.

Here are the sections available today:

Section 1: The basics: Exercise, Feedback, and Practice Routine
Section 2: Hear and Understand EVERY single word
Section 3: The Fundamentals of a Practice Routine
Section 4: Reading Out Loud
Section 5: Spontaneous Speaking Skills

If you are not sure what "practice routine" means and where to begin, start here.
Join "Self-Study Resources"
It may look like an online course but it's not.

  • You control how much of this information you need.
  • Use these resources to find the missing pieces.
  • Do the exercises.
  • Choose one exercise and start a practice routine.
  • Never apologize for not doing all the lessons. You're never late or behind here.

If you're ready to dive deeper and start doing the exercises instead of consuming more information, join the community of practice.

You will receive caring, human feedback to overcome your blindspots and
improve your English skills
Become a member
Choose "annual membership" and get my Resource Library
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What's new in the community of practice
Exercise #155.
FOCUS: rhythm and the short o - /ɑ/. I need my Monster
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A mind map to navigate the English tenses
Sunday Practice from Sep 24, 2023
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The entire Job Interview Practice Routine
14 questions with sample answers (text and video).
Individual feedback to get you ready for a job interview

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© Copyright 2023 Natalia Tokar
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